Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Day of School!!

Weston actually missed his first day of school because he was sick. Although he wasn't completely better, we decided to send him on Thursday. He really wanted to go even though he was feeling yucky, so off he went! Weston had no problems being left at school. He has always been outgoing and independent, so I wasn't worried that he was going to have any separation anxiety. I, on the other hand, cried before we left the house. I was so excited for him, but sad that he is growing up so fast.
He said he had a wonderful time at school and he made lots of new friends. He didn't have much to say about his first day other than he threw wood chips at someone on the playground. He knew he wasn't supposed to do it too, because the teacher went over the rules before they went outside. I knew he would break at least one rule on the first day. I think he is going to love school as long as he can stay out of trouble!

looking a bit tired when I picked him up


Gina said...

Emma loves his lunchbox! Glad that he wanted you to stay for a little while:)