Monday, September 28, 2009

Wyatt's hangouts

It is funny to think that babies spend their first several months just lying around the house. Whenever we are not holding Wyatt, we are dragging him from room to room with us. Right now he doesn't have a choice about where we put him, but we try to give him different scenery during the day. Here are some photos of Wyatt hanging out.

Tummy time! He doesn't seem to mind tummy time. I think he really likes it!

I've been hanging black and white images for him to look at in his crib. He loves to stare at them.

Sometimes he swings, but I don't think he really likes it that much.

When I take a shower he likes to take a nap in the bathroom. He loves the sound of the shower!
His favorite place is his bouncy seat, so he spends a lot of time here.

If he is awake when we read Weston stories, he snuggles in the middle of the bed with us. He is really noticing the pictures.

Nathan carries him around when we go for a walk.

When his stomach hurts, this is Mommy's favorite place!