Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Working on Handwriting

Weston hasn't taken an interest in handwriting/coloring and I predict it will always fall on the bottom of his list of favorite things to do. He would rather spend his time playing games, building, shooting guns, getting messy, playing outside, putting puzzles together, or driving me crazy. Every month or so I make an attempt to get him interested in using a writing utensil and I usually lose his attention within minutes. Most of the time it ends with him stabbing numerous holes in the paper or dropping crayons all over the floor. Last week I made an attempt at getting him to write a "W" with a pencil while I was making dinner. He was cooperative for about 10 minutes and he actually wrote the letter "W". Go, Weston!!!!!! I think he could learn to write more if he had a bit of self motivation. I'm not going to push it; I know he will get PLENTY of practice when he starts school.