Sunday, November 28, 2010

Honey came to visit us!

Honey came to stay with us the second week of November. We always love it when she comes to visit:)

I realized after I put the photos on our computer that Weston had taken my camera and took a few shots of Honey and Papaw:)

Weston broke our toilet several months ago while he was examining the parts of our toilet. I am not sure why a 3 year old would be interested in toilet parts, but those are the things that get Weston's curiosity going. I was feeding Wyatt one day and I heard a LOUD crash in the bathroom. Weston had taken the lid off the back of the toilet to "see how that floating thing worked" and he dropped the lid on the toilet seat. He cracked the toilet in the process, but we never got around to replacing it. Anyway, Papaw brought us a new toilet and he replaced it for us. Yea! We have a new toilet!!! Thanks!

Weston helping Papaw

When Papaw took a bolt out of the toilet, the toilet just fell apart:)

Honey and Weston cracking pecans.

Eating lunch at PF Changs