Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Equal Treatment

The demand for equal treatment has already started at our house! I knew it was coming, but I didn't know it would come so soon. The other night Weston threw a fit because he didn't want to leave Nana and Papa's house. After dragging Weston home, he was still crying when it was time for his bath. Nathan told him to go to his room to calm down and I would give him a bath after he was finished throwing his fit. After he was done with his fit, I starting giving Weston his bath while Nathan bathed Wyatt. After Wyatt's bath, Nathan bumped Wyatt's head on the counter (you know how careful dads are) so Wyatt started crying. Nathan brought Wyatt to bathroom so I could calm Wyatt down and do you know what Weston said? I was holding our screaming 7 week old and he said, "When Weston cries you say, 'Go! Go to your room and calm down!''"
Then he asked me, "Are you going to tell Wyatt to go to his room and stop throwing a fit? "


Gina said...

That is hilarious!!! So you see they are smarter than we think:) Really they are going to their room so WE can calm down!!!!

Melanie Ostergard said...

Wow! I'm impressed. That's funny from a distance. I'm sure it wasn't at all funny for you.