Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have been documenting the life cycle of a butterfly for a school project and I have kept it a secret from Weston. We have had caterpillars crawling around a pot of cabbage for a month, but Weston has failed to notice them. The caterpillars have been sitting right on the kitchen table and he has never spotted them. They blend right in with the cabbage. I never told him about the caterpillars because I wasn't sure if he would hurt them or not. He is definitely not afraid to touch things. I finally told him about them a couple of days ago when I felt it was safe. I was surprised at how gentle he was with them. He talked to them for a good 10 or 15 minutes. He even asked them if they wanted some Cheerios.
As of yesterday, all of the caterpillars have formed their chrysalises and should be changing into butterflies within the next week. I can't wait to see his reaction to the butterflies.

This is a video of Weston showing Nana the chrysalis.

this is what Weston was showing Nana