Monday, December 28, 2009


Weston wore the same fashionable Christmas pajamas that he wore last year :)

Toy guns...every mother's dream!!
Wyatt was given a mirror from Santa. You can see in this photo that he has discovered his hands.
Weston was really interested in board games this year. He really wanted Connect 4 but has no idea how to play it. He has a blast just dropping the checkers in the slots and making patterns.

Weston opened all of his presents and wanted to know why Santa didn't leave him a Hungry Hippo game!!

It was at Nana and Papas...

his favorite gift!!!

playing with his Bakugan


Sandy said...

That's funny that Weston was looking for his gift from Santa...Makayla had the same thing happen! The Dora doll she asked for from Santa was at Nana and Papaw's. :) Thx for sharing! Sandy