Sunday, January 25, 2009

Potty Training Breakthrough

On Wednesday, we had a lot of excitement! I was reading Weston Curious George and the Firefighters before going to bed when he interrupted me with, "I go pee pee on the potty." I thought he was just trying to stay up a little longer, but I took him to the bathroom anyway. He has never used the potty before, so I didn't think he would actually use it. We took his diaper and PJ bottoms off and he sat down on his potty. He strained a bit and then stood up and leaned over the potty. He said, "It's stuck!" We praised him for trying and were thrilled that he was interested in using the toilet. Nathan ran downstairs and got some Cheerios and threw them in the toilet hoping that it would help. He tried again in a sitting position and standing position on both big and small potty. On his little potty he stood up, turned around, and leaned over his potty and pointed. He found a needle head sized speck of dust in his little potty and gasped, "I find a poo poo!" Nathan and I laughed so hard. We decided he just wasn't ready yet and I started brushing my teeth. All of a sudden Weston ran in the bathroom again and just started peeing on his potty standing up! I screamed so Nathan could see him. My scream scared Weston and he quit. I calmed him down and then he decided to finish going on the Cheerios in the big potty. He was so proud and so were we! Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Weston never mentioned using the bathroom again and we didn't push it either. Today Nathan noticed him finding a private corner in the house and he asked him if he wanted to go on the potty. At first he said "No, thank you!" We convinced him to try so he reluctantly sat on the toilet. He told me to go away and shut the door. We did as he asked. Nathan and I waited outside until he was finished. Today he went poo poo on the potty for the first time! I am sure we have a lot of work to do, but it is a start! We had a special present waiting for him to open as soon as he finished. He was thrilled about the gift, so we are hoping this will encourage him to try again.

After he finished, he took one look in the toilet and freaked out. He did not like looking at his finished product in the least bit! Look at his disgusted face.