Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Can I get a sticker for....

We have a sticker chart on the fridge so that Weston can earn stickers for good behavior or helping around the house . Once he fills up the chart, he earns a trip to the Dollar Store to buy a toy of his choice. When Weston is close to filling up his chart, he becomes desperate to earn those last few stickers. He will ask us for a sticker for almost ANYTHING! I love to listen to him come up with a million reasons why he deserves one.

Here are just a few of the crazy reasons:

Can I get a sticker for...

  • not jumping on the bed while you were getting me dressed?
  • not throwing this squash (as he grabs a squash from the counter) at you?
  • not asking to spit while I was getting my teeth brushed?
  • covering my mouth when I cough?
  • not kicking my shoes in the air?
  • not splashing the kids at the pool
  • not pulling my pants ALL the way off when I go to the bathroom
  • peeing in the toilet
  • not getting angry when you turn off the TV
  • not hitting Wyatt

Gotta love his persistence!