I probably oversheduled Weston for too many summer activities this year, but at least the activities have kept us out of the heat!!!! After finishing VBS at our church, Weston also attended Vacation Bible School at his school. He really enjoyed his school experience at First Baptist, so he was so excited to go back. However, his excitement changed when we arrived at the church the first day. I guess Weston assumed he would be returning to his old classroom with all of his old classmates. As soon as he realized he was going to be in a different classroom and that he didn't know any of the 25 students(as opposed to his small class of 12), he almost started to cry. He told me he was really scared, so I offered to stay with him for awhile until he became comfortable. I stayed with him, but he refused to play with any of the other kids. His eyes were watery, and he stayed right by my side. After 15 minutes of standing next to me, I told him he didn't have to stay because VBS was optional. He said he wanted to leave with me, so I told his teachers that we were going to leave. We told them goodbye and starting walking out of the classroom and he cried, "I really want to stay, but I'm scared!!! Mommy, will you stay with me?" The teachers were really nice and told me I was welcome to stay with him for awhile, so I stayed....the entire time!!!!!!! We walked back inside and sat down for story time. He didn't want to sit with the other students, so he sat next to me at a small table. After story time, we left for crafts. Weston was really excited about the next activity, but he still didn't want me to leave. So, I just decided stay for the remainder of they day. Luckily, I ran into an old coworker while she was trying to drop off her twins in Weston's class. They were also having a hard time parting with their mommy, so she stayed with them the entire day as well!!! It actually turned out to be a fun day, because I got to visit with her while our kids were participating in VBS. I was also excited because I was able to take photos of him during the first day!!! He ended up having a great time, and he never had a problem going to school the rest of the week. He love it!
Look at that terrified face!!!!

This is when Weston started warming up...he had no problem telling the teachers he needed certain items to decorate his apron.

At the end of the week, the parents and grandparents were invited to a program. Nana came too, even though her car had been trapped in their garage because of a fallen tree. Luckily, my dad, and a neighbor, were able to move some of the branches so she could leave the house! I didn't get a photo of her, but she was there!!
I was surprised to see Weston dancing when I walked in the activity center.

When we picked him up from the room, he was playing Simon Says.
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