The night before Father's Day, I gave Weston strict orders to wake me quietly in the morning so we could make daddy breakfast in bed. He is usually the first one to wake in the morning, so I told him to shake me quietly without waking Nathan. He agreed, and knew exactly what he was supposed to do in the morning. Well, the plan failed!! Wyatt woke before Weston, at 5:45, so I was up early...too early!!! I fed Wyatt breakfast and then started on Nathan's breakfast. I was thinking that Weston would be rising soon, so I waited for him so we could finish the breakfast together. That never happened!! He kept on sleeping, which is unusual for him. Finally, after waiting on him for awhile, I woke him up so he wouldn't be upset that I made breakfast without him. So, my little sleepyhead dragged himself to the kitchen and helped me finish our homemade blueberry muffins:) He even talked me into making a few chocolate chip muffins for himself.

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