Wyatt has an excellent view of Nana and Papa's house from his bedroom window. He often watches them from his crib when he wakes. Nothing goes on at their house, without him noticing. He tells me when Nana and Papa leave the house and he lets me know when strange vehicles are parked at their house. No kidding! He can not speak in complete sentences yet, but somehow he manages to get his point across to me! He will say things like, "Papa go...truck," "Nana go," "Papa tractor(lawnmower), or "Tammy car...Nolan, Brandon"
Anyway, Nana and Papa had storm damage to their house after the last big storm that came through Augusta. This has meant that they have a lot of different visitors at their house fixing all of the problems (cable company, telephone company, power compant, insurance company...etc). All of these visitors have aroused Wyatt's curiosity. Last week, Nana and Papa were getting a new roof put on their house, and Wyatt was very excited about the commotion going on at their house. I took some photos of our nosy boys!!!

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