Nathan has been wanting to put chickens in our backyard for awhile now. I didn't oppose of the idea, but I felt that our schedule was already busy enough without the chickens. Sure, I thought it would be nice to collect eggs, listen to them crow, and watch them run around our yard... but, when would we find time to take care of them? I wasn't ready to take on the added responsibility yet. We knew we were going to get chickens eventually, but we were waiting for the right time. Nathan came really close to building a coop a few months before I was due with Wyatt, but I told him I didn't think it was a good time. After that, we would discuss it from time to time, but we never got around to building a coop for them.
So, in the middle of dinner last week, Nathan nonchalantly announces, "Oh, and Doug (a coworker) said he is going to bring us chickens on Thursday."
I long as I didn't have to clean up any poop! I told him to bring on the chickens!!
After dinner, Nathan went to his shed and pulled out all of his scrap material, and threw together a temporary chicken coop. Weston was thrilled! Boy, does he get EXCITED when he sees Nathan pulling out his tools!!! An hour or two later, Weston opens the door and screams, "Mommy, do you want to see our chicken coop?!!!!" So, it was official. We were going to have a small farm in our backyard!!!

This is a photo of Doug dropping off the chickens. His dad has about 40 chickens. e was ready to get rid of a few, so he gave us 5 hens and 1 rooster.

The first night they were in our yard, they tried to roost in our plum trees, our deck, and the our fence. We had a few go into the neighbor's yard, and we had to retrieve them. It was a funny mess!!!! My parents were even helping us round them up, but it still took us a long time to get them back in the coop. The chickens were going EVERYWHERE. Weston thought it was hilarious!! I wish I had taken a video of all of us chasing after the chickens, but it was getting dark. Tonight, they actually went into the coop on their own as soon as sun started setting. So, I think they know it is their new home now. All we have to do is shut the door after them go to bed, so it should be easy from now on.
We cracked up when we saw them try to go to sleep in our plum trees.

BTW, I haven't cleaned up any poop. Weston has been more than happy to sweep it up for us!!!
My girls would be in HEAVEN!!! I agree with you and the whole cleaning up the chicken poop issue!!!
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