The next morning we ate breakfast, and then took a short walk through the woods to get to the Middleton Plantation. The azaleas were in bloom and they were gorgeous!!
We spotted more alligators on our walk!

The flowers were so pretty that we stopped to take a few photos. Weston was scared to sit on the bench because he thought an alligator was going to climb out of the water behind him.

Our first stop was the stable yards. We arrived at the plantation early, so we had the place to ourselves for about an hour!
The pigs

This is Weston doing his imitation of the pigs:

This is where they give a pottery making demonstration

Eliza's of the buildings where some of the slaves lived.

Weston running through the gardens.

This is a photo of the front entrance of the guest quarters. There used to be three buildings, but they were burned to the ground by the Union soldiers during the Civil War.
A photo of the back of the house.

more alligators!

This is where Arthur Middleton is buried. Arthur Middleton was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

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