Last week I helped with Weston's Easter party at school. I think I was more excited than Weston! I was mostly excited that I was able to spend quality time with Weston without Wyatt. This doesn't happen very often! My parents kept Wyatt that morning, so I didn't have to spend the entire time chasing Wyatt during Weston's party. The party was a lot of fun, and I think Weston was really happy to have me there. Good times!!!
I had to use my phone to take photos because I left my camera at home. The quality of the photos are not that great, but at least a have some snapshots of the party.
The party started with an egg hunt!

eating cupcakes (please notice the girls on the end...they were rubbing frosting all over their hands AND they smeared it all over the bathroom sink...yep, I was the lucky one who got to clean it up their mess :)

decorating an egg

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