Our ride home from the mountains was interesting!! When we woke that morning, we could tell that the leaves had started changing over night, so we were exciting to look at the foliage on our drive home. Papaw and Honey took us on a quick scenic route through the mountains before we left. Also, we decided to stop at the apple orchard again, because we wanted MORE APPLES! I know that sounds crazy, but I realized I didn't get any Jonathan apples, so we decided to make a quick stop. We already had a map of the farm, so we knew exactly where to go!! After quickly picking apples, we loaded the boys back in the truck for our ride home. As I was buckling Wyatt in his car seat, I could hear that he was struggling to breathe. Luckily, I had the nebulizer and albuterol with us, because Wyatt usually has asthma-like symptoms almost every time he gets a runny nose or cough. Sometimes it turns serious. Although Wyatt has never been diagnosed with asthma, I believe he has illness induced asthma. So, I went into the apple orchard store and asked if I could use one of their outlets so I could give Wyatt a breathing treatment. A worker was kind enough to clear out a place in their gift shop, so I could give Wyatt a breathing treatment. After leaving the orchard, we found the closest Wal-Mart, and bought an adaptor for the nebulizer, so we could give Wyatt a breathing treatment in the car. After the first breathing treatment, he was better, but he was not breathing properly. A few minutes down the road, he starts sounding worse, so I plug the nebulizer into the outlet in the car. As soon as I start the nebulizer, the fuse blows!!! So, we pull over to a station and I ask to borrow an outlet. Again, they were kind and let us give Wyatt a breathing treatment next to the drink cooler!!! After, we loaded up in the car and drove about 10 minutes before he started gasping for air again. At that point, I call 911 and they direct us to the nearest hospital in Newberry, South Carolina. We took Wyatt to the ER to get checked out, because we were still had about 2 hours until we were home. The last thing I wanted was to have a medical emergency in a place where we had no phone service. In the emergency room, they gave him two breathing treatments, a chest x-ray, and steroids. After all of the meds, his poor heart rate was about 190. Finally, after checking the xrays to make sure he didn't have pnemonia, they sent us home with an inhaler for our ride home! Wow! We were not expecting that much drama on our way home!!! Wyatt made it home safetly that night without having to use the inhaler. The ride home was very funny after we left the ER. Wyatt was so drugged that it was like dealing with a drunk toddler. At least he was cheerful the rest of the ride!!!
Picking Jonathan apples |
We also picked a few golden blush apples |
The leaves starting to change in the mountains. |
Wyatt in the Emergency Room! |
We were so worried about Wyatt, that we didn't realize Weston was running a fever until we got home!! Check out all of the stickers he got in the ER!! |
Poor Weston:( |
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