On Weston's actual birthday, all he wanted to do was play Legos all day!!! We asked him if he wanted to do anything special, and he chose to stay home. This is unusual for Weston because he prefers to go somewhere...every day!!! After playing Legos most of the day, we decided we needed to get outside for a bit. We went to the swamp!
Weston dressed up for the occasion. According to him, this is his "animal discoverer" costume. I have no idea as to why he would need safety glasses, a lunchbox, and a light up skeleton neckace to discover animals. We didn't ask any questions, and went along with his role playing. |
The birthday boy said that he needed my camera to be an animal discoverer. I gave it to him only because it was his special day. Here are a few of his photos that he took along the way:) |
The birthday boy didn't feel like walking, so we pushed him in Wyatt's stroller. |
Guess what we discovered??!!!! |
It was an alligator!!!! We have been looking for alligators at the swamp for a long time now!!! After 5 years of looking, we finally spotted one on Weston's birthday!!!! |
We also saw a rabbit. |
After the swamp, we sang happy birthday and ate more cake. |
We had to laugh when we found exactly 5 eggs in the chicken coop that night!! |
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