Honey came to stay with us! We were really glad she came to visit us because it can get really lonely staying at home by ourselves. It is also a lot of work handling two kids by myself, so it was REALLY nice having an extra set of hands. We had a lot of fun while she was here and we stayed really busy. Thanks for coming to stay with us, Honey!
Here are some of the highlights from the week:
Weston was thrilled to have someone to snuggle with on the couch.
Here are some of the highlights from the week:
Weston was thrilled to have someone to snuggle with on the couch.

We went to my parents house for Sunday dinner. Some friends came over and Weston had the best time playing with everyone.
Reading the "scruntions" for me.

Honey taught me how to make Christmas wreaths the first year we moved in our house. We have grapevine in our backyard that we clip every year to make Christmas wreaths. Honey made four beautiful wreaths this year.

Weston mooning Honey! Weston was ROTTEN while Honey was here. He was so excited about her being here that he couldn't control himself.
The pretty wreath Honey made us.

Nathan's mom dug up the grass around the sidewalk so Weston and I could plant some more daffodils. She also raked a ton of leaves in our backyard!

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