This year, Weston wanted to be something really scary for Halloween. We took him to Party City to pick out a costume and he wanted one of the grossest costume in the store.
This is what our three year old really wanted to be:
I am a little freaked out that he would even like that costume at his age!
We settled for the costume below.
We went to my sister's house for dinner and then we went trick -or- treating in her neighborhood.
It started raining as soon as we left the house.
It didn't stop the kids (except for Brandon) from getting their candy. They kept going until it started pouring!!!
This is our jack-o-lantern this year. Weston insisted on a skeleton pumpkin also. It took us three days to carve it completely. We had too many interruptions this year :)
Weston wanted his face painted scary. We didn't have time to paint his face before we went trick- or- treating at Tammy's, so Nathan painted his face before he trick- or- treated in our neighborhood. He cried when his makeup came off in the bathtub.
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