I am really behind on my blog, but I decided to go ahead and post school photos first!! I still need to write about our vacations and birthdays, but I just haven't had the time!!! I am really hoping that I will get a chance to do that this weekend!!! We'll see if I can actually get to it!!! Anyway, today was a big day for us! Weston started his first day of Pre-K!!! I miss him already, and can't wait to pick him up from school! Honestly, if he hadn't been so excited about starting school this year, I would probably be REALLY bummed about this milestone!!! It makes it easier when you know they are excited. If he is happy, I am happy!!!
This morning he was in a great mood when he woke up. I told him it was a school day and he said, "YES!!!!!!!!" He quickly ate his breakfast, and put on his clothes all by himself. He also brushed his teeth, put his shoes and socks on, and then put on his book bag. No problems!!! I usually have to redirect him several times when he is getting ready! He was so happy to start his day, and could not wait to get to school. When we arrived at the school, I thought he might clam up and ask me to stay, but he didn't. He walked right in as if he weren't nervous a bit. I think it helped that I took him to the school yesterday to meet his teacher. There weren't any other students there so he was able to talk to her and look around. After a few minutes, he sat down on the carpet, and then greeted the students around him. He was very friendly to everyone and had a big smile on his face. Ahh.... no drama this time!
BTW, I cried as soon as I walked out of the school. It is hard for me to imagine my day without him right now. We have been together for 4 wonderful years and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I feel so blessed to have been able to stay home with him this long!!! After leaving the school, I met my sister and some friends for breakfast, so that was a great distraction!!! Wyatt came with us! I am looking forward to spending time with Wyatt and being able to give him individual attention. He is so sweet and I can't wait to do more things with him!! We will miss Weston, but are also excited about our new routine.
I took SEVERAL photos of his first day, but I didn't feel like arranging them in order!! I know it is a bit lazy, but if I get picky, I will NEVER catch up on this blog!!!!!
Lego backpack!!!! I had to special order this for him!!! He only wanted a Lego backpack...nothing else would do!!! He wanted to use his old lunchbox from last year, and that was fine with me. The boy is very specific about the things he likes!!! |
sitting with his classmates |
standing outside his classroom |
Standing outside the school!! |
Hanging up his Lego backpack! His teacher is the lady with the white shirt. This is her first year teaching! |
Greeting the teacher's assistant! |
Telling Wyatt goodbye! |
Looks like he is happy to be there. I totally understand the sad feeling of him being gone. Kaitlyn and I still miss Emma daily. Just wait until he walks into school all my himself!!
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