Weston is really great at keeping secrets!! I can't believe he NEVER tries to tell anyone about their surprises. At school, he planted a Mother's Day flower for me, and his teacher told him to hide it from me when he got home. He carefully hid this flower behind his back all the way to the car. When we were at home, without discussion, he went inside the house (I was in the yard watering the garden) to hide the plant in his room. After I watered the garden, I noticed that he had pulled his blinds up in his room, and tried to place it in his widow sill. (I know this because I asked him about it later, and he explain the process he went through) . There wasn't enough room on the window sill, so he looked for another sunny location.

On Mother's Day, he couldn't remember where he hid it!!!! LOL!!! he was looking all over his room and in the closets. Luckily, I knew where it was and told Nathan to "help" him find it. A secret is safe with this boy!!!

So so sweet!!!
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