Weston went to his first dentist appointment today! Weston was really brave and I was really proud of him. I have never seen anyone so excited to go to the dentist. He didn't get that from me; I was terrified of the dentist!
Instead of taking him to a pediatric dentist, I just brought him to my dentist. It is a lot closer to home and I feel comfortable with the lady that cleans my teeth. She has been cleaning my teeth since I was teenager and we have always liked her.
Waiting patiently in the waiting room. He couldn't wait for his name to be called!
He quickly hopped in the chair and began asking questions. Just as I predicted, he wanted to know how EVERYTHING worked and wanted try out all of the gadgets.
He was a little nervous when she tilted the chair back. He asked, "This is NOT going to be scary?" We told him everything was going to be fine and that made him feel better.
He wasn't happy about the light shining in his eyes either. She offered him sunglasses but he said he didn't need any glasses.
He wasn't happy about the light shining in his eyes either. She offered him sunglasses but he said he didn't need any glasses.
She polished his teeth with bubble gum toothpaste and then flossed them. She also gave him a strawberry foam fluoride treatment. He was cooperative and didn't complain about anything bothering him during the cleaning.
Yea Weston! We have to bring Emma soon. I'll be sure to show her these pictures before we go.
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