The weekend of my birthday and Father's Day, we went to Hilton Head Island. Nathan and Weston were really excited about going to the beach. Being pregnant, I was not quite as excited. I was happy to get out of the house, but knew I wouldn't be able to do much at the ocean. Not to mention, it was 100 degrees most of the weekend! Anyway, it was nice to spend time together as a family. It didn't feel much like a vacation, but we made some nice family memories.
Last year Weston did not like the waves one bit. We thought Weston would love the ocean this year, but he didn't care for it one bit.
Can you see that tiny speck next to the pink chair? It's Weston! That's as close as he got to the ocean the rest of the weekend. We didn't have worry about his safety this year!
We found a naked baby doll in one of the drawers in our room. Weston insisted on carrying it around all weekend. It sparked some nice conversation around the hotel-especially the elevators. I hope he is as happy with baby brother!
We tried arm floats this year and he did really well. He could get around the pool by himself.
This is Weston trying to get back in the room. He said, "Oh! I almost forgot my shirt!!!" He wasn't happy about walking to the beach without his shirt.
He did NOT want to go back to the ocean the second day. "Let's just play at this beach," he said. He would have been happy if we just let him spray his feet.
Weston packed all of his toys in a bag on Sunday and said, "I'm ready to go home now!"
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